West Springfield High School Spartan Crew - Fundraising
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Donate on SQUARE (year-round activity):

As a club sport, the crew team is self-funded and many of our rowers rely on fundraising to participate in crew. Please consider donating to the crew team to allow our rowers to participate! Donations from friends, family, and our community will help our rowers have a safe and competitive season this spring.

See our SQUARE SITE to donate We appreciate your generosity!


RaiseRight (year-round activity)

The RaiseRight is a great way to meet your fundraising goals!  Purchase Electronic or physical gift cards and earn between 2-28% of the amount spent towards your rowers dues. For example: Chipotle offers 10% back on all orders. Use the phone app to buy a $25 e-gift card, the cashier swipes the bar code on your phone, and you've earned $2.50 towards your rowers dues. Everyday purchases add up! Additionally, physical gift cards may be purchased. Read the RaiseRight Overview to learn how it works. 


Leaf Raking (Fall): 

Leaf raking is another way to meet your fundraising goals. Leak raking opportunities are available in October, November, and December. Athletes work in groups of 4 with an adult. Athletes and parent rowers earn $15 per hour + tips directly towards their dues. When the opportunity is announced, sign-up quickly! Contact leafraking@spartancrew.org if you have any questions!

Bingo (Spring): 

Bingo is offered as a fundraiser in March. This is our largest fundraiser and we need all families to participate to make it a success. Volunteers solicit donations from local businesses, package them, and they are used as Bingo prizes. Athletes sell tickets and earn money directly towards their dues for each ticket sold. For example, an athlete who sells ten tickets will earn $200 towards their dues. 

Fundraising credits remaining in a rowers account at the end of a season may only be credited during the next rowing season. If a rower leaves a season for any reason and does not return the following season, all fundraising credit in the rower’s account will be surrendered to the club (i.e., rowers may not row one season, sit out the next season, and have fundraising credits held to apply upon their return).


Do you have a new fundraising idea that you would like the team to organize?  If so, please share the idea with the VP for Ways and Means at waysandmeans@spartancrew.org.