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The Stotesbury Cup Regatta will take place May 16-18, 2024 in Philadelphia PA on the Schuylkill River. Visit the Stotesbury Cup Regatta website to learn more about this event.

Stotesbury Information Night will be held on 4/18/24 at 7:30pm in the WSHS cafeteria. The Away Regatta Coordinator will go over the Forms Packet and will answer any questions. Here is Information Night Presentation if you were not able to attend in person.

Important Dates:
FORMS Night: April 29th -7:00-8:30pm (room #2228 enter door 6 ) Bring forms #1-3 and check payment.
LUGGAGE Night: May 155h – 7:00-8:30pm (WSHS Dance Studio – Door 10ish) Bring remaining forms #5 required / #6 if needed / (#7 + #7a) allows access to team’s OTC Meds
CHAPERONE Meeting: May 14th -7:00pm via ZOOM - Link to be sent to chaperone’s email

Volunteer Sign-ups:
